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JUNE 23, 2017

The EBWF World Champion, PJ Black, walked out onto the wooden deck of his Daytona Beach beach front property. The breeze blew in off the Atlantic Ocean which seemed like only a stones throw away from where he stood. A peach colored tank top hung loosely over his body and down over his floral print swim trunks. He took a deep breath as he looked out at the great Atlantic.

"You want to talk about the King of the Ring Pay Per View when we're here, in a world as perfect as this?"

Black looked out as he outstretched his arms and closed his eyes. He took a few seconds as he bathed in the warm Florida sun.

"I know that it's this Sunday and I know who I'm up against. I might not have been around this tournament season, but that doesn't mean I haven't been getting on my phone or laptop and checking out what's been going on. I know Edge, Orton, Havoc, and Miz are all in the Final Four. I know we have Sasha v Trish Round 2 for the Queen of the Ring. I'm all caught up on what's going on."

He turned around to the camera.

"So what do you all think?

Just because I leave for a few weeks and take a well deserved vacations, you think that I've lost track of what's happening in my company? Is that it? You think I'm oblivious?"

Black laughed as he shook his head.

"Nah man, you've got it all wrong.

See, unlike every other champion that has come before me and have taken their little "champ-cations", I keep up with shit. I know shit. I know the ins and the outs of what's going on.

Which, I don't mean to be "Roode", but who the hell decided to put me against Roode? See what I did there? I said his name when I was actually talking about trying not to be rude. See, I'm funny."

His shoulders quickly raised in a shrug as he turned around and walked over to some nice wicker furniture with red cushions. He sat down and looked out at the ocean again.

"Roode hasn't done anything in this company, and to be quite honest, this is all a mockery of me as a champion. To place me against some random person, who used to be someone, somewhere. But here, he's just like ever other newbie that walks through those doors, nothing.

I'm just thankful that EBWF had enough sense to make this match a non-title match. Which means I don't have to waste a good title defense on a nobody."

His head moved again with a subtle shake.

"He may think he's "Glorious" and he likes to buy extravagant bath robes, but other than that, he's shown the EBWF Universe absolutely nothing. He hasn't shown up in the ring. He hasn't shown up on the mic. He hasn't even shown up in style. Designer suits custom made shoes? Do you really think those are what make great in that ring? Do you think being flashy will get you somewhere?

Well sorry to burst your "Glorious" bubble there Bobby, but it doesn't.

Here in my company, the only things that matter is blood, sweat, and hard work. All of which you're not ready to pay up. All of which however, I have paid up. I've paid my dues and look where its got me. I'm the EBWF World Champion. I'm the "Longest Reigning, and Unbeaten, Undisputed Path to Glory Champion in the History of EBWF". Heck, I'm the longest continuous champion in this company's history. Sure, for now it's with two different belts, but the fact is still this. I've continuously had championship gold in this company since December 24, 2015 when I beat Lance Storm to become the then, EBWF Path to Glory Champion. I did that."

He smirked as he continued to look forward that the Atlantic.

"Then, while I was still EBWF Path to Glory Champion and before I was forced to vacate, I won the EBWF World Champion.

So you see boys and girls, if you were born any time in 2016 or early 2017, you've not witnessed me without some kinda gold around my waste. An accomplishment? I think so.

But a lot of you peons, you all like to still spew at the mouth saying that I'm nothing. Saying that I'm worthless and I don't deserve to be where I am right now, which is at the top I might add. Which is why I bet Bobby you're going to talk the same talk. Which in turn will make you walk the same walk that everyone else that has come out and talked me down. You all say that I'm no good, but then answer me this."

He paused as he brought his hand up to his chin and tugged on his beard as he thought for a second.

"If, and that's a really big if there, but seriously. If I'm no good. If I suck. If I don't deserve the EBWF World Championship...

Then why am I still champion? Huh?

Why couldn't anyone beat me for EBWF Path to Glory Championship? Why couldn't five other guys beat me to become EBWF World Champion? Why couldn't Samoa Joe, Randy Orton, or Alex Riley beat me? I mean seriously, if I'm as bad as everyone says, you would have thought that somebody would have been able to beat me. Right?"

Another smirk rose from his lips.

"Bobby, tonight, you have a chance to do something none of those men could do. Beat me.

Sure, you're not going to get the championship or the pride that comes with it, but you could still beat me. You could, you really could. Anyone could if they tried hard enough, but that would mean that they would have to try harder than me in that ring, which honestly Bobby, no one can do.

When I go out to that ring, I'm unstoppable. I'm unbeatable. I'm in God-Mode. Specially when it's a big match. But lucky for you Bobby, tonight, it's not really a big match so really, I don't have to be "BMB" on Sunday.

Sure sure, it's a Pay Per View and really, it could be something spectacular, but let's face reality Bobby. Nothing about this match, except for me, qualifies as a "big match". Look, I'm going against you. Someone who thinks that he's bigger than he his. Someone that went and spent thousands of dollars on a bathrobe for something that he didn't even know he was going to get, and then failed to get it."

Black shook his head again.

"Do you know what I spend my money on Bobby? I spend it on myself. Bikes, cars, houses, parachutes... The list goes on and on. But one thing that is not on that list Bobby is a damn bath robe. Not even a cheap five buck one down at the dollar store. What use do I have for a bathrobe? When I get out of the shower, I just walk around this crib naked for all to see. I have no need to hide what is truly, "Glorious"."

He turned his head and winked into the camera.

"So come Sunday Bobby, I don't know. I'm going to show up and I'm going to myself. The only thing I know how to be, and I'm going to go out to that ring and I'm just going to put on a show. Not for the Universe. Not for you, Bobby. Not even for myself.

I'm going to put on a show just because that's what I do when I step foot in that ring. I mean, it doesn't even feel like I have to try anymore, especially when the officials choose to put me against people that don't matter, namely you Bobby."

Black stood up and turned his whole body to the camera.

"Sunday Bobby, here's what's going to happen. You're going to come out to that ring thinking that you're hot shit because you're in there with the EBWF World Championship himself, but in reality Bobby, the "Powers That Be", they just reached into a hat and you were lucky enough to have your name drawn. That's it.

So come out to that ring Sunday, Bobby. Get your fifteen minutes of fame by being in the ring with me, but don't get use to it. This is the first time we've faced off inside an EBWF ring and honestly, it could be the last time as well, because I'm going to prove that you don't belong Bobby. Not only in the World Championship picture, but I'm going to prove that you don't even belong in the same company as someone like me.

Now, make sure at the end of the night when you're packing your bags after being defeated by the best, you put those bathrobes of yours on top. You're not going to need them anymore."

He chuckled before he disappeared back into the beach house. The camera turned and captured the vast Atlantic Ocean once again before the video ended.