"I.. I told you... I FUCKING TOLD YOU!!" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"No one can beat me.. No one... Not your Destroyer... Not your Viper... Not even you King..." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Something wrong champ?" .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"I'd say there is Corey. What is this shit?" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Why do you have this old, out-dated, piss of crap up? That is the old EBWF. The EBWF that ran under that logo, their gone." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"I don't understand. What are you talking about PJ?" .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"Boys, change this crap out." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"There. That's much better." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"What's with this?" .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"This, Corey. This is the symbol of the next era of EBWF. This logo here, this is the symbol that EBWF has forever changed with me as the EBWF World Champion. This isn't the same place that you joined when you signed your contract Corey, no. EBWF is under my leadership. So it's only fitting that the entire company unites under my banner. Don't you think so?" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"I like it, don't get me wrong, but come on PJ. Do you really think that everyone is going to approve of this?" .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"Approve of it? Corey, I don't care who approves of it or not. The fact of the matter is this. I'm the EBWF World Champion. Against all the odds. Against all the critics. I rose to the top of this company and here I stand, several months later and I am still the champion. I know everyone hates that, but it's the truth. I proved that it doesn't matter who they put up against me. Samoa Joe, Randy Orton, Jimmy Havoc. All of them were given their shot to stop me. The were called upon to try to put an end to my title reign, but what happened? Samoa Joe, he fell flat on his face. Randy Orton, I beat him with his own move. Jimmy Havoc... I handed the match to him. I let him pick his own stipulation. Anything he wanted. Yet he still failed." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"However, your victory over Jimmy wasn't without a little help." .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"Everyone may see it as help, but can I help it that Jimmy has pissed off a lot more people around here than even I have? No. Was it me that turned my attention away from the match itself because a few people locked outside the cage wanted to come down and get a closer look? No. I wasn't the one that let other people get into my head. Jimmy Havoc showed the world that he wasn't ready for the big time. He showed that his attention and focus all along was clearly on Chris Jericho, not the EBWF World Championship. So it was Jimmy Havoc that cost himself a match that was without a doubt, his to win." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Don't you feel though, even a little bit, that victory is tarnished because of the outside distraction? Now champ, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the match to the fullest, but come on. You couldn't have wanted to win like that." .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"Wanted to win like that? Of course not, I didn't even know Jericho and Strowman were even around. I was down getting back to my feet. I didn't know what was going on until after I delivered two of my signatures and beat Havoc. 1... 2... 3. Then when I grabbed for my championship, that's when I finally saw Jericho. So, Corey, my mind and focus was completely on the match the entire time, unlike Havoc." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Enough of the past, SummerSlam is done. It's over. Let's look to the future and what's next for you. Tonight, you had a match that people could argue that Kevin Owens deserves a World title shot. Do you agree?" .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"Wait, you really think that Kevin Owens deserves a shot after what he did out there tonight? He lost, plain and simple. And in my book, that means he deserves absolutely, nothing." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"If not Kevin Owens, then who PJ? Who do you feel is deserving of a title shot?" .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"No one." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"The Miz, well he's the Gateway Champion, so he's got a shot if he chooses, but other than that... No one in this company is stepping up. Everyone seems comfortable where they're at, and sure, it makes things easier on me, but that's when we start getting these bullshit challengers that don't even belong in the company, let alone the main event. And then the ones that matter around here, they haven't been seen. Not since I sent a handful of them packing. I mean, I've basically beaten every single person in this company, so there's no one left to challenge me." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"So you're saying, no one deserves to face you at Destiny." .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"That's what I'm saying. There's not a single man in this locker room that has done anything deserving of a title shot. Not in my books." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"You need to defend your championship against someone. Randy Orton. Bobby Roode. Kevin Owens." .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"It doesn't matter, Corey. The EBWF higher ups, then can choose who they want. They can put everyone's name into a hat and draw the first one. I've proven time and time again, no matter who they put in front of me, I will always beat them. I will always come out on top." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"I'll admit, it's getting harder for EBWF to find anyone to face me, I've already beaten everyone." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"That's a high claim, saying you've beaten everyone." .staydown//COREY_GRAVES
"You've looked into my career Corey, or at least you had some little assistant do it for you. So you know the list of Superstars that I have left lying in that ring. So you tell me, who haven't I beaten?" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"A difference face, but the same Savior. Do you think that you're the one? Do you think that you can save what the true Savior could not? Do you believe?" .faceless//MAN_IN_STATIC
"You.. You have no idea the torment that you cause. The pain that she felt because the Savior could not save. The King could not reign.
But she lives. She still cries for her hero. Is it you? Or you?" .faceless//MAN_IN_STATIC
"Well, it looks like you finally found your balls Edge. I honestly don't know what you did to get another shot, especially after you gave away the shot the last time you had it, but hell. If I would waste the time trying to figure out everything that happens in this place, I wouldn't have time for anything else.
Either way, it doesn't matter. You got another shot and by the sounds of it this week, you're actually going to go through with this time. Right? I mean, you are actually going to fight me this time Edge? You're not going to come out to the stage at Destiny and be like, "Look, I'm still scared. I don't want to face PJ so I'm giving my title shot tonight to.. Noam Dar. No no.. Um.. Tyler Breeze.. No, darn.. I give it to Eva Marie." This is really going to happen this time?" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Now Edge, I really don't know if I can trust any of the words that just came out of your mouth. Sure, you sound like you're really going for it this time, but you are Edge after all. You're more of a man in the shadows than a man that is actually thinking of contending for the EBWF World Championship. So can any of us really take you serious anymore? Can we?
Can we believe that stand in the middle of that ring after not really competing in two months? Can you really tell those fans that you're not going to disappoint? Especially after you already disappointed your "Edgeheads" when you gave up your last chance to be the savior? Think about that." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"My name... My name is Zahra Schreiber.. I have been.." .unlucky//ZAHRA_SCHREIBER
"I have been found guilty of believing in a false prophet... My faith has faltered from the one true Savior... I... No.. I can't.. Please..." .unlucky//ZAHRA_SCHREIBER
"I deserve the punishment that has been brought down upon me... My punishment... My punishment shall continue until my the one true Savior can free me from my chains...." .unlucky//ZAHRA_SCHREIBER
"She believes that you will come. She holds on onto the hope that she will be saved. But there is no saving her. You will be too late." .faceless//MAN_IN_STATIC
"Listen, I heard you when you challenged me on Monday. I heard you when you asked how I would fair against you.
Now tell me, why am I being told that I've never beaten you?" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"I don't know if you're going around running your mouth, saying that I've never beaten you, or if your fans are to stupid enough to remember your wrestling career. Because, if my memory serves me correctly, I've had your number Edge, not the other way around.
I'm the one that has ruined your hopes, your chances. I'm the one that has stood in your way and cost you your chance at King of the Ring. Not this last year because well, I'm the champ. But the year before that, yeah, that was me. I'm sure there's more, but the fact is that I stop you from reclaiming any glory before. That was me. Do you understand that? Do your fans understand that?" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"So before you, or any of your little "Edgeheads" start to spew at the mouth about how I've never beaten you. Stop. Think. Remember.
Remember that I've ended your King of the Ring dreams. Remember that I've ended your chances at becoming EBWF World Champion. Remember that anytime you and I have faced off when there was something at stake, I always came out on top. Do you understand that?" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"I know what you're going to say, you're going to tell everyone that all that, doesn't matter. None of the times that I beat you, matters. You're going to get your cheap pops by talking about how you're still the "Ultimate Opportunist". You're still the old Edge. Still the best.
But you're not.
Edge, everything that you think you still are, you're not. In this business, in this generation, you're old news. You're the past. You're better off retired. See, this generation, my generation, we don't care about old timers like you. We don't care about what you did, or what you think you can still do. We don't care because we know that you're just losing your mind earlier than expected." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"I'm going to keep this short Edge because I don't want to drag this on and bore anyone to death. The fact that I'm talking about you in 2017 will do that all on it's own.
I know that I'm going to sound like a broken record and say the same thing that every one of your opponents recently has said. Which, if so many people are telling you this, don't you think that maybe, we know what we're talking about? But anyways, it's 2017 Edge, and you know what that means. It means that it's time for the elderly like yourself to step aside for those of us that can actually still move around that ring.
Seriously though, a ladder match Edge? A ladder match. I know it was your signature match, and I know that you want to fill the entire arena with the nostalgia of yesteryear. You want everyone to get that same feeling as they had when you first climb those ladders and made a name for yourself. But that's not going to happen Edge. They're going to get a different feeling. They're going to get the feeling of nausea. Nausea of seeing their champion, bending a ladder of a the back of a hero that they could once believe in. A hero that they though would be invincible forever. A hero that should have stayed a fond memory.
At Destiny Edge, you're going to realize that you did the right thing when you gave your last title shot away to Enzo. You're going to realize that you should have never walked out on Warfare and declared that you were going to challenge me for the EBWF World Championship. You're going to realize that the ladder match, it use to be your ace in the hole. But now, the ladder match, it's going to be nightmare. It's going to be your hell. You're going to realize Edge... You're going to realize you should have just stayed sitting on the couch." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Look, you don't want me here, I don't want to be here. So how about you do both of us a favor and just shut the hell up so I can get out of here." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Listen, I don't have alright, so I'm just going to have to say my peace, even if you won't shut it.
Tomorrow night...
Tomorrow night......" .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Tomorrow night, I face off against another one of your little heroes. A man that all of you have put on a higher pedestal than he's even put himself on. And we're talking about Edge here, so that seems like a feat that would have never happened. But here we are..." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"See, this is what I'm talking about. The man has been gone for months, but here you are. Cheering him like he's been here every single day since day one.
News flash, he hasn't.
Edge, he comes when he think that he can get something out of the short time he has. Case in point, the King of the Ring tournament. Every year, whether he's been around or not, Edge manages to pull himself out of obscurity long enough to make an appearance in attempt to chase after the EBWF World Championship. He comes, competes, gets knocked out, and then goes back under the rock and hangs out with Patrick Star for the next year or so.
Hell, I'm the one that is usually sending him back to the sea, but of course. With Edge, if it doesn't benefit him, it never happened. Which is why all of you idiots that just jump on the next bandwagon that pulls into the station, you actually sit there and believe it when Edge thinks that I have never beaten him when it matter. But honestly, I've always beaten you when it matters Edge. Sure, maybe I haven't defended any championships against you. I didn't when I was Path to Glory Champion, and I haven't yet since becoming World Champion. I'll give you that, I haven't defend any championship against you." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"The other half of Rated RKO, I've dominated every time I defend any of my championship against. But don't worry Edge, I'm not comparing the two of you. Randy has too much talent for me to do that.
I'm sure you and Randy don't compare yourselves, but what you do behind close doors, that's your business.
My business is the fact that just a few months ago Edge, you had your shot. You had your chance to knock some sense into me. Teach me unless. Beat me before I took your partner's title record. You had that chance. No, you earned that chance. But you gave it away.
You came out to this very ring and you gave away your title shot, that you earned by beating Miz and Orton. You came out here and gave it away to Enzo Amore." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"Sheep, I swear..." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"You gave your chance away, and what happened. I beat Enzo and proved to him that his little victory over me at Warfare, it wasn't anything. Not even close.
So the chance that you had, you wasted it by giving it to a chump who didn't belong at the level that you believed him to be at. And then here we are, two months later... two months that have been Edge free I might have.
But two months later, you come out. Get your little pop in your hometown. And you announce that now, after giving away your shot and walking away for months, now you want to challenge me. You want to just waltz back into the EBWF in your hometown and declare that you're going to be challenging me for my EBWF World Championship, in a ladder match. Which, let's face it. I gave Jimmy Havoc a match of his choosing, so why shouldn't you get your type of match. I mean, after all, you do always get what you want.
But it makes no difference. It didn't with Havoc and I'm going to prove to you Edge, that it makes no difference for you. If you really think that it does, then you're as delusional as Havoc was." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK
"I know, you're all so saddened that your savior Jimmy Havoc couldn't get the job done. Get over it, I told you all that it wasn't going to happen and look, it didn't.
But here you have a new savior to believe in again. Your hero. The man that no matter how long he's gone for, he will always have your admiration. In Edge you trust.
Well, I'm here tonight to tell you that you trust is going to be broken. Playtime's over, and all your little games and beliefs, they all come to an end. Edge, I don't know why you gave your shot away last time. I don't know why you think you have a chance this time. But I do know that whether is was at Sacrifice or tomorrow at Destiny. You would have stepped in the ring with me, and you would have learned that there is a new generation in this business and everything that you thought that you knew inside this ring, it's in the history books. Just like where you should stay. And after Destiny, I will put you back in the past where you and Randy, you can sit and remember the old days. You can sit and hold onto the only things that make you relevant, and that's your long title reign as EBWF Tag-Team Champions.
You're never going to have this championship again. Randy Orton, his reign as the longest EBWF World Champion in history, it's going to be broken. So he's not even going to have anything to be proud about except for his time being the longest reigning EBWF Tag-Team Champions with you Edge.
Just face the facts Edge, you time, it's behind you. Those accolades that you've earned, that's all that you have left. That's all what you will ever have. Your golden years, they're behind you. They're in the rear view mirror. Anything that you were, you're not anymore. You're the "Rated R Superstar". You're not the "Ultimate Opportunist". You're nothing but a shell of your former self who is just tarnishing their legacy by trying to continue to fight for something that has long surpassed you.
Whether you believe that you can still do it. Whether these people think that you can still do it. You can't. You can't do it anymore Edge. You can't make it to the top anymore. You can't compete in a ladder match more. Which I will prove to you tomorrow night. Not because I want to, but because you wanted this match. So just like I did with Jimmy Havoc, I will compete in your match. And I will beat you. I will show you up. I will make you, and your little match stipulation... My bitch." .darewolf//PJ_BLACK